Food Distribution in Putong Malaki

Food aid in Luzon

Father David Grubbs writes:

Today’s food distribution from Christ The Saviour parish was to the poor within our local area called Patutong Malaki South, in cooperation with Captain Mario [the elected precinct leader] and the health workers. Names of the poor families were provided to us by the neighborhood governmental unit. Recipients were 70% elderly and 30% very poor with many children. It was said that we came just in time because they had no food for their families this evening. Due to quarantine there is no work, therefore no income for many of the common workers. We handed a total of 32 packs to 32 families which will probably affect a couple hundred (200+ adults, elderly & children). The bags included 5kg of rice, noodles, vitamins, sausages, dried fruit and nutritious supplemental chocolate and shoes. Thank you to the Synodal Department of Charity and brothers and sisters abroad, as well as to all the workers who made this an opportunity to show the love of Christ.

We made 10 door-to-door stops around our local barangay and we were accompanied by 3 health workers. Captain Mario thanked us for extending help and he was grateful. The longer this pandemic lockdown and quarantine goes on, the higher the probability of many poor families going hungry. Many informal settlers don’t have jobs, and are at high risk for malnutrition more than getting infected by NCov19. We are approaching this probability and we need to be ready to address this issue when more and more poor people come for food. May the Lord have mercy on us and save us by His grace and take away this pandemic from earth. May God be glorified in all and by all!

Father Silouan

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