This week, Orthodox choirs and clergy in the Philippines gratefully received liturgical calendars donated by St. Innocent Press!
Philippine mission communities are learning to serve Vespers and the Vigil, in addition to the Hours and either Divine Liturgy or Typika on feasts and Sundays. These liturgical calendars have been invaluable for us. Many of our clergy and communities do not have reliable access to the Internet, nor computers and printers, so for them it is not effective to email the order of service each week. Having the details for each service laid out well in advance guides the clergy and choirs – and also the translators who are working continually to provide texts in Cebuano and Tagalog for upcoming services. Many thanks to the brothers and sisters at St. Innocent Press!
You can order these invaluable tools for your own use here:

This handsomely designed, 12-month, wall calendar includes all the essential information for Orthodox Christians for every day of the year. All feasts and major saints commemorated each day (according to the old Julian calendar) are listed along with the daily Gospel and Epistle readings. The calendar is available in three combination of languages: all English text, both English & Russian text, and both English & Serbian text. Fasting information is clearly indicated with symbols and the color of each day. Each month is printed on a separate sheet. Staple bound. Dimensions: 11” x 14.5”

This Liturgical calendar contains detailed instructions for all Sundays and major feasts throughout the year. Follows the format of the Jordanville Liturgical Calendar; Fr. John Whiteford, general editor. Every day of the year contains a detailed menalogion as well as scriptural readings. Detailed liturgical instructions are designed to be easily followed throughout services. The dimensions of this spiral-bound calendar are a convenient 6 by 9 inches.

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