Slavonic Triodion

Services of Clean Week

Holy Trinity Monastery has graciously made the full services of Clean Week available in electronic format.

Unless you are in a monastery, your parish or mission will probably not serve every one of these services (this week many monasteries essentially shut down in order to spend most of their day standing in church.)

But for members of mission parishes with no priest, in the Philippines or anywhere else: If you are able to read the Midnight Office or Typika at home, or if your mission serves Vespers or the Great Canon, then here you will find the complete services with all the readings and hymns. Click the links below to download (these are large PDF files)

  • Monday: The Midnight Office, Matins, the Hours, Typica, Vespers, Great Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew. 284pp
  • Tuesday: The Midnight Office, Matins, the Hours, Typica, Vespers, Great Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew.  296pp
  • Wednesday: The Midnight Office, Matins, the Hours, Typica, Vespers with Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, Great Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew.  298pp
  • Thursday: The Midnight Office, Matins, the Hours, Typica, Vespers, Great Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew.  298pp
  • Friday: The Midnight Office, Matins, the Hours, Typica, Vespers with Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, Supplicatory Canon to Great-Martyr Theodore, Blessing of Kolyva.  238pp

More information at Holy Trinity Monastery.

Slavonic Triodion

Father Silouan

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