Building Fund

Building fund

For nearly three years, this chapel, built of woven bamboo, has been the home of the Orthodox community of St John Maximovitch in Santa Maria, Davao del Sur. God has regularly met us here in the sacraments and in warm fellowship.

But lately it has become apparent that our chapel needs more than superficial repairs. Less than a year ago we replaced the palm thatch roof, but it is now leaking again (this is the rainy season, so four or five blinding rainstorms per day will test any roof!) Meanwhile, in several places the woven-bamboo walls are buckling due to moisture.

But through God’s mercy and the generosity of mission partners, there is already some money in the bank dedicated to a building fund! With this as a beginning, we aim to make use of this opportunity to rebuild.

Our hope is to replace the current chapel with something a bit larger and much more durable. We mean to widen the concrete pad, erect a galvanized metal roof, and build walls out of concrete blocks, so that the community of St John’s will have a place to meet for many years to come. If we reach our goal, then we will not only finish the functional construction of the building, but will go on to paint the walls, tile the floor, and make this truly a place to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.”

Building Project Updates


Father Silouan

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