Mission partner Jim Boubonis writes:
Fellow Philippine Mission Supporters, Brethren in Christ!
As you are aware, Father Silouan is not only rector of the St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco Mission in Mindanao; he is also very busy in cooperation with priests and missionaries from the Moscow Patriarchate in serving and catechizing former Aglipayan parishes – dozens of them – who are thirsting for the truths of the Orthodox Church.
One of the chief goals in properly converting these parishes to Orthodoxy is the thorough instruction of their community leaders in the Apostolic interpretation of the Holy Bible. Father Silouan would like to contribute to the formation of leaders, and needs some supplies for the purpose.
Fr Silouan would like to use certain books in English translation, books ideal for the purpose of forming an Orthodox understanding of the Bible. These include the commentaries by Blessed Theophylact on the Gospels and the letters of St. Paul. The Orthodox Study Bible, and works by Archbishop Averky (Tauschev) would also help at this point.
I’ve volunteered to serve as a stateside “collector” of these books, which, if sent to me, will go into a large shipping box that I’ll send to Fr Silouan for his use in the Philippines. Please consider buying one or more of the desired books. It would be great if the Mission supporters ask their priests and Parish councils to allow an occasional extra plate offering for the mission, the proceeds from which can be used to buy books to send to the newly-illumined Orthodox parishes in the Philippines!
Please mail books (and other Orthodox materials) to me at this address:
Jim Boubonis
229 Spinney Way
Suisun City, CA
I can be contacted at jokubas60@yahoo.com.
- Blessed Theophylact’s commentaries are available here: https://www.chrysostompress.org/catalog.html
(note that the commentaries can be ordered individually or as a set) - Orthodox Study Bibles can be ordered here:
https://store.ancientfaith.com/orthodox-study-bible/ - Archbishop Averky’s commentary is available here: https://holytrinitypublications.com/Book/345/Four_Gospels.html
Humbly in Christ our Lord,
James Boubonis
Suisun City, California
And Father Silouan gratefully adds, Amen!
Jim has been a great help to our work here, having sent us numerous icons, vestments, books and liturgical items which have been gratefully put into use in Orthodox missions all over southern Mindanao. If you or your parish have any questions, you are welcome to contact Jim at the address above, or contact Father Silouan. May God bless and reward you!
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