Kiblawan Baptisms

Baptisms and Liturgy at Kiblawan

This morning, after a process of catechism and preparation, we finally got to welcome the community at San Pedro, Kiblawan into the Church through baptism, and celebrated the first Divine Liturgy there. Between Orthodox faithful living in Kiblawan and the newly-illumined, they now number over twenty members. Some of these folks have been waiting a very long time for this!

Beginning in May, I will travel to Kiblawan several times a month to teach and to serve the Divine Liturgy. I can go partway to Kiblawan by bus, but for the second half of the trip I need to pay a motorcycle driver to give me a ride, as there is no scheduled transport to this remote area. Prayers appreciated for safe travel!

It’s currently summer in the Philippines – a dry season when little shelter is needed. Would you please pray with us that we can erect some kind of shelter for when the (very!) rainy season begins in July or August? If you are moved to contribute to construction of a chapel in Kiblawan, I encourage you to donate online and specify “Kiblawan” to ensure your gift goes to this project. May God reward your prayers and partnership!

Kiblawan Table of preparation at left; Holy Table at center; censer stand to the right.

Kiblawan Yes, that’s a chicken running behind the holy table. They’re everywhere.

KiblawanAs the morning went on and the sun moved, we repositioned the table and people a few times to maximize the shady area

Kiblawan Kiblawan is far inland and has no streams big enough for baptism. So catechumen Albert is pumping water to fill the tank we’re using as a baptismal font.

11196353_1855413068018134_7717370215070955742_n Proskomide: preparation prayers. Beside me is Father Kirill Chkarboul, a Russian priest visiting from Taiwan.


11204426_1855406774685430_6904213011787713514_n before




11205024_1855409878018453_6562229506113506765_n Chrismation




11008551_1855411711351603_3153370829148497369_n Tonsure


10985221_1855412578018183_3133859865011936742_n Procession

11228923_1855413221351452_773227433881162585_n Ready to begin the Liturgy

Father Silouan

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