A gift from Romania

Last month, a friend in Romania offered to help me gather some items we will need in order to serve the Divine Liturgy in our parishes in the Philippines. He planned to contact people interested in being part of this missionary task, and from time to time he mentioned that some items had been contributed. This week I received a call from the airport in Seattle, telling me that a package had arrived for me from Romania.

Air cargo terminal at Seattle-Tacoma Airport

My eyes grew large when I saw the large, heavy package they had sent. It held vestments, altarware, incense and censer, and so many icons!

Altarware Paten and chalice, spear and spoon and star – all the vessels needed for the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

Vestments Photos don’t do justice to the rich, beautiful fabric and craftsmanship in these priest’s vestments.

CoversMore covers

Cross and icons

Incense-holdericons - St Andrew, Gabriel

St Panteleimon with relicAnd an added surprise – this icon of St Panteleimon includes a relic of the saint!

Besides the sacramental items, there are many paper icons and crosses, which will be a blessing to the homes of the faithful in the Philippines.

To all the ministry partners in Romania who have so generously given to this mission, we offer many thanks! Daghang salamat! Vă mulțumesc foarte mult! You will all be in our prayers every time we celebrate the Divine Liturgy using these precious things you have sent. It is both humbling and encouraging to know that people I have never met believe so strongly in advancing the Kingdom of God in the Philippines.

Table covered with items from Romania

Father Silouan


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