Nina’s journey continues: After travelling to Tubabao, she writes:
God’s mercy and love is unstoppable! On February 3, 2014 when I am about to visit the chapel in Tubabao Island, Mr. Mel Caspe whom I am supposed to be with, informed me that he can not accompany me. He knows Mr. Cesar Leona (Barangay Chairman) in the commuity. This Mr. Leona knew the persons who attended the Divine Liturgy celebrated last September 2013 by Fr. Seraphim, Fr. Silouan, Fr. Sava and Fr. Philip. And so I must go alone in Tubabao Island.
With God’s mercy I was able to go to Tubabao Island. In this mission to Palo and Tubabao, I noticed that there seems a hindrance… In the goods that I am supposed to bring, I was only able to bring 3 boxes instead of 6; the person who is supposed to document this mission was not able to come with us; the same person who is supposed to accompany me in the Mission area in Tubabao Island was not able to come with me on February 3.
However, because God’s mercy and love is unstoppable, we were able to distribute clothes, goods and medicines to our brothers and sisters in Palo and Tubabao Island. From 10, we have 22 catechumens now. And we were able to help 4 families build their home. Though their houses were destroyed and despite the difficulties that they are experiencing, Typhoon Yolanda was not able to destroy their faith. So, let us continue praying for our brothers and sisters in Palo and Tacloban.
See Nina’s Tubabao photo gallery here…
At Barangay San Juan on Tubabao Island, we have a single catechumen and no Orthodox community (and, since Typhoon Yolanda, no chapel either.) But we have a connection to these people, who still remember the Russian refugees they welcomed sixty years ago. They supported and donated labor to build the Chapel of the Dormition as a labor of love, and we hope one day to again have an Orthodox community here. So it seems natural for us to be concerned for the welfare of the people at Tubabao.
Supplies, financial donations, and prayers for this trip came from so many people. Nina writes:
This mission trip is blessed by God through the donations of kind-hearted people from the Mission Society of St. Serapion in Moscow; Branko, a Serbian Orthodox Christian from Daet, Philippines; Fr. Jovan of the Serbian Orthodox Church; AMTC Taekwondo Parents and Children in the Philippines; Fr. Konstantin and also through the kind assistance of Fr. Sava both of the Antiochian Church in the Philippines, and to those who are praying for our brothers and sisters in Palo and Tubabao.
The small community of Barangay San Juan, Tubabao Island, are not Orthodox. But they remember the Russians, and they are so glad to learn they had a saint living among them, who still intercedes for them. They are open to teaching and want to know more about the Faith. Your donations designated to “Relief” will help continue bringing them aid in rebuilding their lives. And your undesignated gift will help us send a missionary priest to begin teaching the Faith and building the Church.
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