The Philippines?

At OrthodoxNepal, Fr Seraphim Bell writes:

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps (Prov. 16:9)

In the midst of packing for my August 14 departure for Nepal, I have been asked by Metropolitan Hilarion to travel as soon as possible to the Philippines for 2-3 weeks. Why? It seems there are quite a few people there who desire to become Orthodox.

I received the following information: “The program includes:

  1. Consecration of the chapel in the name of St. John Maximovitch in Davao del Sur.
  2. Serve liturgy and hear confessions for the ROCOR community there, which will be the first time for all of them.
  3. Receive into Holy Orthodoxy through baptism four converted communities in Davao.
  4. Visit Tubabao island. Consecrate there a new small chapel in the name of the Holy Theotokos. Receive into Holy Orthodoxy through baptism the local people who have been catechized there. Hear confessions and serve Divine Liturgy. (By the way, the chapel is in the former Refugee Camp where St. John Maximovitch and his refugees from China lived while in the Philippines. The new chapel has been built on the very foundation of the church in which St. John served.)
  5. Visit Palo and baptize the small community. Serve liturgy there.
  6. Serve liturgy in Manila.”

So, I will now begin packing another duffle bag full of liturgical items for the Philippines. God willing, after flying to Nepal and spending a few days there sorting things out, I will then fly to Manila and begin this short term mission work. What a blessing to travel to the site of St. John’s former church in the Refugee Camp and serve in the new chapel on that site. What a blessing that through his prayers, many Filipinos are converting to the Holy Orthodox Faith! Glory to God!

Father Silouan

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