Liturgical seminar with Manila clergy

Today we met with the home of Father Andrew to celebrate the Divine Liturgy in his home chapel of St Andrew.

With the blessing of Antiochian Metropolitan Paul and ROCOR Metropolitan Hilarion, we offered a liturgical seminar for Antiochian clergy in the Manila Antiochian deanery. It was a privilege to serve and have fellowship with these faithful clergy.

We also had the privilege of helping distribute books, prayer ropes, crosses, and icon prints which had been sent to the Philippines through the generosity of faithful donors and benefactors in Serbia and Russia. Flooding had delayed the distribution of these gifts, but today Father Philip was able to share these blessings with Manila clergy. A special blessing was the gift of Lenten vestments (see below).

Father Andrew in his house chapel

Father Seraphim working with area clergy

Liturgical seminar

Liturgical seminar

With Antiochian clergy With Antiochian clergy, in newly-received Lenten vestments

Afterward: Making prayer ropes Afterward: Making prayer ropes

Theotokos icon This icon, by Father Andrew, is inscribed in the Tagalog language: Saint Mary, Mother of God.

Father Silouan

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